Monday, January 17, 2011

singing in the rain: the raincoats @ moma, new york (november 20, 2010)

 to be honest i didnt know much about the raincoats besides girl rock owes them a lot more than bed hair and pink docs. and that kurt cobain wrote them up as genuises.

so when i realised they'd be jamming at moma while i was in new york i was pretty excited. they have played only a few shows in the past few years. one of which was matt groening's all tomorrow's parties.

i got there a bit early. milled around with the EN-WHY folk. a good mixture of too cool sceneters with undercuts and laddered stockings and real geeks in cargos with crooked fringes. and of course a good dosage of women's lib.

to be honest i cant remember what kathleen hanna (of bikini kill and le tigre fame) all i remember is she had a little orange case full of 7" and everything that came out of it was cool.

there was free alchohol. i didnt even know.  
there was chocolate beer. 
it was horrid.

there was also an exhibition but i wanted to stake out a good spot so sorry gals, no dice on the art side.

i didnt know what to expect but i was just so thrilled. there were little audio fireworks going off all over the stage. the way they played was just so astute and it was real. most effects were there manipulated by hand in real time. well WOW. 

ana's music props

kathleen and tobi vail (bikini kill, the frumpies) joined the raincoats for a tribute to dearly departed ari up by playing her song "vindictive." i dont have many pics from this song because i took one long vid. i'll put it up when i can!

ana da silva + jean-marc butty + tobi vail

and a lot of the time the seed is not as magnificent as the tree but when gina was singing about being high and being angry and being a woman it expanded into the universe. there is something big now about being chic and wasted and it's all pretense. and we burn and we're pretty. half the time im just not convinced. the raincoats were refreshing.

here are the pretty pics. 

oh and setlist! straight from ana's hands!

this photographer man was really smelly. like body odour smell. it was incredibly distracting.

ana da silva
anne wood

gina birch


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