like for example in 2008 when i found this great basement record store in the village at the back of West 4th subway (that had been there for 30 years and was closing in 3 weeks) and along with the 7"'s i bought the guy accidently included a 12" which happened to be this bob dylan bootleg:
btw it says "robert zimmerman" on the back!
i didnt steal it though. i told him and i came back to buy it (i got 30% off too)
and now i happen to be in new york for 8 days and he happens to be playing 3 shows. so i went to all 3 shows to see what all the fuss was about.
ok so they were military about cameras. so because i had to be kinda ninja with the snaps i dont have great photos. and i dont have many photos. but i think a couple are enough.
what was surprising was his voice was pretty bad. he literally sounded like scooby doo. like that raspy-breathless-exhale sound which unfortunately rendered all the songs monotonous. he tried. and he got better over the nights. and it was nice to see him. especially in a small room (3000 people) but i just saw leonard cohen and i was unfortunately expecting more.
but after all of that... it was very endearing. he might have sounded pretty shit (some may argue he has always been a shit singer) but everyone was singing along (he played like a rolling stone and jolene!) and it redeemed him considerably. i mean, love tends to do that.
i was jealous. what made him play 3 small shows and not one big one when his voice wasnt 100%? could it be that he wanted to give his fans a chance to see him intimately (relatively)? wow. i mean i heard he could be quite a jerk but i mean that's pretty sweet right?
im 23 and i have seen bob dylan 3 times in a crowd of no more than 3000 people. he's coming to australia to play venues that hold 15,000.
alright as i said i am not a bob dylan fan but know their shit and have setlists for all 3 nights if you're curious.
few more photos below!
bob dylan and donnie herron
tony garnier and charlie sexton
i really like this background effect. it's like there's this mirror reflecting the stage on the back wall. (fyi george receli on drums)
i like this background effect too. it really suited him. i mean it's nice. nothing too grotesque. and smart. both are pretty clever. nice.
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